I can't believe we have wrapped up two whole months with our writing workshops up and running. Feels like many moons ago I set my own intentions to start dreaming bigger for myself, for the business and start showing up as I knew I could.
See before this, it was just a miracle that I started drawing and designing. I was an HR Assistant working my 9-5 behind a desk and L-I-V-I-N' man. The fact that I took a chance on myself and started selling my art? That was a big enough leap in itself.
And we rocked it, honestly! And still to this day. We did the whole market scene -- popped up in every mall in our city, had our business written about in the same very paper I used to do Suduko in while eating lunch in University and grew to now almost 1,500 of us moon girls on Instagram (anyone who has done anything on social media knows this is a feat in and of itself)
But something happened in the last year where I asked myself -- How can I do more? How can I be of service?
One thing I noticed? People loved our writing products and the more I talked about them at our market table, the more they saw themselves using them. Daily gratitude, affirmations and Intention setting they are literally LIFE changers. Its what brought me out of the belief that I couldn't do this, to -- I damn well could. In fact, it was my birthright to.
But from market table to your home table, something was getting lost in translation and I realized when it comes to something new, we all need a little hand holding.
They say you should create what you wish you had. And I can tell you during that first year where I started dreaming of maybe taking a leap and starting a business, I did A LOT of self reflection. And almost all of it was on my own. It was hard, definitely not glamorous and it would never make an IG photo dump. This is behind the scenes type work. But did it have to be?
I know we're all perfect on social media but like, life is hard!! And when you're in the trenches -- man, does it ever feel like you're the only one going through it. And honestly? The very thought that got me out of bed and designing was "I never want people to feel alone like this."
Listen, we do the yoga in community, we do the sound baths together. But when it came to "the work," the through in breakthrough -- we were still hiding out, doing it alone and stuffing it into our nightstands.
So the "I never want people to feel alone like this" became our values and the main pillar to what is now Under This Moon and its exactly what I came back to-- to start the workshops and the next phase of this business.
We created a safe place where we can gather and do the work together. Self-reflect, set intentions, dream and hope for something bigger. Journal and release anything keeping us stuck. Be our own hype (wo)man and create affirmations for when we are our biggest critics. Then practice gratitude for what we DO have -- to remind ourselves of how great and amazing our life already is.
It may seem like nothing to you, but its become the most reliable safety net I have for myself. Feeling imposter syndrome? Journal. Feeling negative? Affirmations. Feeling abundant AF? Gratitude. It's become EVERYTHING and I hope it will for you too.
If you are on a journey of self discovery, of asking yourself the BIG questions. If you feel unfulfilled or unseen in your life or maybe if you just felt inspired reading this -- We're here. Every New Moon and Full Moon to hold space for you, for your hopes, for your dreams, for your fears and all the thoughts that are keeping you here -- when maybe you want to be there. No judgement, no shame -- because I've been there too and we're all in this together (yes, that was a millennial making a High School Musical reference)
One of the last things I say during our New Moon workshop after we have manifested and dreamed big, daring things -- "If you have any doubts that what you just did is silly, you are literally sitting in my living, breathing manifestation right now."
And I hope you will too.
With Love and a Whole Lot of Tissues,
Angie xo
You can find our New Moon & Full Moon Writing Workshops twice every month at the Highlands Yoga Room. Head to our home page for dates and times.